Training Guide
The official McDonald's & Partners Roblox Training Guide
(Host: Announce this in the Discord in the channel #sessions 15 minutes before the shift starts)
Greetings! A training is being hosted by (Username) and will begin in 5 minutes. Please join the Training Centre game now as the server will lock in 15 minutes and you won't be able to join. Trainee Crew Members, Junior Crew Members and Senior Crew Members can attend this training.
(Host: Run this command when you join the game)
Make sure to run this command or else no one will be able to join the Training Centre!
Host: Wait 10 minutes and run the following command:
Make sure to run this command or else people will start rejoining the server.
You may answer PTS calls until you begin explaining the training rules/information.
(Announce this when the training starts)
Host: Greetings! Welcome to this Training, my name is (Username). Thank you for attending this training. I will be your Host for today's session.
Co-Host: Hello! My name is (Username). Thank you for attending this training. I will be your Co-Host for today's session. The host will now explain some basic rules.
Host: Rule 1: No trolling! This is very unprofessional and will result in a warning and if you continue the consequence will result in a dismissal from the shift and a possible demotion as your current rank.
Host: Rule 2: No harassment! This is unacceptable and the punishment could be a possible ban and demotion from the server.
Host: Rule 3: No exploiting! If this action takes place the user will be permanently banned and demoted from our servers.
Host: Rule 4: Show respectful behaviour! This is apart of our guidelines and if you refuse to follow this rule it could lead to a demotion or a dismissal from the shift.
Host: Rule 5: No spamming! This is very unprofessional and will result in a ban from our game.
Host: Rule 6: No begging for promotions! This is counted as a minor spam, and would possibly result in a dismissal from the shift!
Host: Rule 7: Correct use of grammar! As a staff member you are required to use grammar at full costs refusal to use grammar and will result in a warning. If you reach 3 warnings you will be dismissed from the shift!
Host: Thank you for listening. The Co-Host will now explain information about certain things.
Co-Host: 1. If you see a staff member refusing / not using grammar, please let me or my host know so we can dismiss them from the training.
Co-Host: 2. If you see a troller or a spammer please give them a verbal warning. If they reach their 3rd warning, call a high rank.
Co-Host: To get promoted during a training you must show us that you have good grammar, correct capitalization and pass all tests.
Co-Host: 4. If you see a exploiter please let us know or take a screenshot, and create a ticket in our communications server.
Co-Host: That's all of the information that you have to know currently. I'll now be giving out your group.
These are the roles that you should give out:
Group A
Group B
Group C
(After you have given out the roles)
Host: You may go with your trainer. Group A: (Username of Trainer); Group B: (Username of Trainer); Group C: (Username of Trainer)
Not required, but the Host & Co-Host can say "Good Luck!".
Part 1 - Orders
Trainer: Welcome to the training area! I will now explain some basic things and after you will be able to do some practical work.
(When all staff have arrived say the following below)
Trainer: The first thing that you need to prepare an order, is the order. On the order screen, you will see all orders. If an order is not claimed you can claim it by saying !claim [number].
Trainer: When the order is ready, just say !complete [number] and go to the counter. Call the order and give it to the customer by using the :handto command. If you can't give the order just use !delete [number].
You can also use !unclaim [number] if you changed your mind and don't want to do the order anymore.
Part 2 - Till
This guide will be conducted by three trainers, each stationed in front of counters for optimal coverage and support.
Trainer: Welcome to the till training! I will now explain some basic things and after you will be able to do some practical work.
When all staff arrived, say the following message:
Trainer: When a customer comes, say your greeting and start the order. First, select all items that the customer wants to order. Secondly, click the "Subtotal" button to prompt the purchase.
Finally, after the customer pays, the order number will be displayed for them and the order will be automatically added to the kitchen board.
Trainer: Now let's practice everything.
(Practice ordering and claiming & completing orders - wait until everyone finished)
(Kick the people in your group that didn't pass with the :kick [username] command)
Part 3 - McDrive (Explanation)
(This part is without practice. Trainers just explain what to do at McDrive)
Trainer: Working at McDrive is easy. You can work as three different roles at McDrive: Traffic Controller, Cashier or Attendant.
Working as the cashier is very easy. The till system is the same as the one at the front counter, so I don't think that any explaining is needed.
As an attendant, your objective is to hand food to customers. It's also an easy role.
The last role is Traffic Controller. With this role you get the following traffic signs: STOP, GO, YIELD. You can take out these signs and control the traffic flow of the vehicles.
(Host: Run the following command)
Host: Please wait until the Ranker promotes everyone. Do not leave the game.
(Wait until Ranker promotes everyone)
Host: Everyone has been now promoted. Please listen to the Co-Host's instructions.
Co-Host: Please follow me back to the briefing area to take a photo together.
(Take the photo and send it on the #sessions channel on the Discord server)
Host: Congratulations, everyone! Thanks for attending this training session. We hope that you're happy with your promotion. You may now leave the game.
(Run the following command)
Last updated